Drama History
In Biblical times, a girl disguises her Jewish origins when the Persian king comes looking for a new bride among his subjects.
Directed by
Michael O. Sajbel
John Noble
Prince Admantha
John Rhys-Davies
Omar Sharif
Prince Memucan
James Callis
Haman, the Agagite
Luke Goss
King Xerxes
Peter O'Toole
Samuel, the Prophet
Nimrat Kaur
Tommy Lister Jr.
Hegai, the Royal Eunuch
Asif Basra
Prince Marsena
Denzil Smith
Prince Carshena
Tiffany Dupont
Hadassah / Esther
Alyy Khan
Tom Alter
King Saul (prologue)
Jonah Lotan
Javen Campbell
Prince Tarshish
Dilshad Patel
Takesh Singh
Harbona, the Eunuch
Indraneel Bhattacharya
Vikas Kumar

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