Comedy Romance Drama
Blue-collar Paulie prepares for fatherhood and his forthcoming wedding to Sue by hanging out with his groomsmen. Brother Jimbo, cousin Mike, and his pals fill the reunion with drinking, boys-will-be-boys antics and a few unexpected personal confessions. But, when the bonding devolves into accusations and regret, Paulie has to decide whether he's ready to tie the knot and take this big step into adulthood.
Directed by
Edward Burns
John Leguizamo
TC (Tony)
Matthew Lillard
Desmond 'Dez' Howard
Donal Logue
Brittany Murphy
Jessica Capshaw
John Mahoney
Paulie's Dad (uncredited)
Jay Mohr
Cousin Mike Sullivan
Edward Burns
Spencer Fox
Little Jack
Heather Burns
Joe Pistone
Top Cat
Kevin Kash
Strip Club MC
Jamie Tirelli
TC's Dad
Julie McNiven
Girl with Band (uncredited)
Arthur J. Nascarella
Mr. B
Marion McCorry
Paulie's Mom (uncredited)
Shari Albert
Tina Howard
John F. O'Donohue
John Russo-Zirkel
Little Matt
Tito Ruiz
Man in Bar
Catharine Bolz
Dez's Mom (uncredited)
Claudia L. Brown
Pole Dancer (uncredited)

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