Sci-Fi Adventure Animation Drama Fantasy Romance Action
It is 300 years into the future. Earth's environment had been devastated by mankind's own foolish plans and humankind is beleaguered by the sentient forests which they have awoken. The world balance is tipped when a young boy named Agito stumbles across a machine that glowed in a strange blue hue inside a forbidden sanctuary.
Directed by
Keiichi Sugiyama
Ryo Katsuji
Agito (voice)
Katsuhisa Houki
Agohige (voice)
Ken'ichi Endô
Shunack (voice)
Tomoko Kaneda
Zerui (voice)
Yasuaki Kurata
Aoi Miyazaki
Toola (voice)
Ren Osugi
Agashi (voice)
Hideyuki Tanaka
Doctor Sakul - Toolone cum Sakul (Voice)
Yuko Kotegawa
Yolda (voice)
Toshikazu Fukawa
Hajan (voice)
Atsuko Yuya
Jessica (voice)
Kurumi Mamiya
Berui (voice)
Nabe oyaji (voice)
Takehiro Koyama
Kuchihige (voice)
Omi Minami
Minka (voice)
Masaru Hamaguchi
Cain (voice)

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