Drama War
During World War I, an Austrian officer is trapped behind the Russian lines. He tries to sneak through to his own lines, but is forced to take refuge in a small hotel, where he is hidden by the establishment's chambermaid. The two fall in love, but a Russian general makes the hotel his headquarters and sets his sights on the maid. In addition, the Austrian must find out the identity of a spy who is feeding the Russians military information that could lead to the destruction of the Austrian army.
Directed by
Mauritz Stiller
George Siegmann
Gen. Juschkiewitsch
Max Davidson
Elias Butterman
Nicholas Soussanin
Baron Fredrikson
Pola Negri
Anna Sedlak
Otto Fries
Anton Klinak
James Hall
Lt. Paul Almasy
Michael Vavitch
Golden Wadhams
Maj. Gen. Sultanov

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