Drama Action Adventure
A Chinese emissary is sent to the Gobi desert to execute a renegade soldier. When a caravan transporting a Buddhist monk and a valuable treasure is threatened by thieves, however, the two warriors might unite to protect the travelers.
Directed by
He Ping
Written by
Rui Zhang, He Ping
Kiichi Nakai
Lai Qi
Yuming Du
Rider A
Zhao Wei
Wen Zhu
Wang Deshun
Old Diehard
Jiang Wen
Lieutenant Li
Wang Xueqi
Master An
Zhou Yun
Jue Hui
Harrison Liu
Chuangao Hou
Li Haibin
Zao Zimo
Yeerjiang Mahepushen
Master An's Servant
Bagen Hasi
Cao Jin
Tao Ho
Ma Gun
Linian Lu
Wu Lao'Er
Wei Li
Di Hu

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