Animation Comedy Family Fantasy
The Oscar-winning cat-and-mouse twosome--Tom and Jerry--returns with another adventure. When Tom and Jerry's irrepressible curiosity gets the best of them, the mysterious magic ring that Tom guards with his life ends up stuck over Jerry's head. Now, Jerry must find a way to free himself of the ring while fleeing Tom, who wants to remove the ring any way he can! Find out if the pair can conjure up a solution in this fur-raising, madcap escapade.
Directed by
James T. Walker
Written by
Timothy Cahill, Julie McNally Cahill
Frank Welker
Jerry (Voice)
Charlie Schlatter
Chip (Voice)
Jeff Bennett
Tom (Voice)
Tara Strong
Nibbles (voice)
Billy West
Freddie (voice)
Tress MacNeille
Margaret / Mom (voice)
Maurice LaMarche
Spike / Alley Cat (voice)
Maile Flanagan
Boy (voice)
Jim Cummings
Butch (Voice)
Jess Harnell
Policeman (voice)
Caleb Meurer

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