Comedy Romance
Years after the death of her husband, Kitty McNeil takes her son and flees from the home of her wealthy and controlling mother-in-law. Alone and jobless in New York, she runs into an old flame, her USO partner Donald Elwood, who agrees to help her fight for custody of the child.
Directed by
Norman Z. McLeod
Written by
Allan Scott
Barton MacLane
Larry Channock
George Zucco
Judge Mackenzie
Fred Astaire
Donald Elwood
James Burke
George (uncredited)
Betty Hutton
Kitty McNeil
Frank Hagney
Police Sergeant (uncredited)
Bess Flowers
Engagement Party Guest (uncredited)
Gregory Moffett
Richard 'Richie' Everett
Stanley Blystone
New York Policeman (uncredited)
Bobby Barber
George - Bartender (uncredited)
Eve Whitney
Roland Young
Edmund Pohlwhistle
Bert Stevens
Cook (uncredited)
Ruth Warrick
Carola Everett
Ralph Peters
Cab Driver (uncredited)
Chester Conklin
Watchman (uncredited)
Esther Somers
Nurse Gorman (uncredited)
Harold Huber
Chef Marcel
Oliver Blake
Man in Bowler Hat (uncredited)
Melville Cooper
Charles Wagstaffe
Lucile Watson
Serena Everett
William H. O'Brien
Waiter (uncredited)
Shepperd Strudwick
Timothy Bryant
Peggy Badley
Bubbles Malone
Virginia Toland
Philip Ahlm
Policeman (uncredited)
Todd Karns
Sergeant (uncredited)
Peggy O'Neill
Woman (uncredited)

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