Comedy Drama Romance
In small-town Texas, high school football is a religion, 17-year-old schoolboys carry the hopes of an entire community onto the gridiron every Friday night. When star quarterback Lance Harbor suffers an injury, the Coyotes are forced to regroup under the questionable leadership of John Moxon, a second-string quarterback with a slightly irreverent approach to the game.
Directed by
Brian Robbins
Ali Larter
Darcy Sears
Paul Walker
Lance Harbor
Amy Smart
Jules Harbor
Jesse Plemons
Tommy Harbor
Scott Caan
Charlie Tweeder
Jon Voight
Coach Bud Kilmer
Tonie Perensky
Miss Davis
Richard Lineback
Joe Harbor
Thomas F. Duffy
Sam Moxon
James Van Der Beek
Jonathan 'Mox' Moxon
Ron Lester
Billy Bob
Joe Stevens
Young Deputy #1
Brady Coleman
Sheriff Bigelow
Bristi Havins
Cute Naked Girl
Joe Pichler
Kyle Moxon
Eliel Swinton
Wendell Brown
Jon Hyrns
Bald Guy

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