Crime Drama
Half-caste bandit Omkara Shukla abducts his lady love, Dolly Mishra, from her family. Thanks to his cleverness, he gets away with the kidnapping. A conspiracy, however, forms against him when he denies his right-hand man, Langda Tyagi, a promotion. Ultimately, this plot threatens not only his relationship with Dolly, but their lives and those of their associates as well.
Directed by
Vishal Bhardwaj
Ajay Devgn
Omkara 'Omi' Shukla
Kareena Kapoor Khan
Dolly Mishra
Saif Ali Khan
Ishwar 'Langda' Tyagi
Naseeruddin Shah
Pankaj Tripathi
Bipasha Basu
Billo Chamanbahar
Deepak Dobriyal
Rajan ’Rajju’ Tiwari
Konkona Sen Sharma
Indu Tyagi
Vivek Oberoi
Keshav 'Kesu Firangi' Upadhyaya
Manav Kaushik
Surendra Kaptaan
Amita Pathak
Kamal Tiwari
Advocate Raghunath Mishra
Kuldeep Kumar

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