Adventure Drama
A bush pilot in nothern Canada who with the aid of modernity thinks he can handle it all & knows it all. After reluctantly agreeing to transport a local indian girl to a medical facility his light plane crashes & they have to survive whilst finding their way back to civilization. Along the journey the man finds a new respect for the native ways as they battle to survive the elements.
Directed by
Charles Martin Smith
Written by
Farley Mowat, Charles Martin Smith
James Cromwell
Walter "Shep" Shepherd
Jon Gries
Barry Pepper
Charlie Halliday
Robin Dunne
Kiersten Warren
Michael Bublé
William MacDonald
Miner in Bar
Charles Martin Smith
Malcolm Scott
Greg Spottiswood
Mr. Moss
Roxanne Wong
Michael Wallace
Inuit Snow Camp
Annabella Piugattuk
Brad Sihvon
Mr. Izzard
Samson Jorah
Mariano Aupilardjuk
Elder Inuk
Peter-Henry Arnatsiaq
Young Inuk
Peter Ipkornerk
Inuit Snow Camp
Yvo Samgushak
Inuit Snow Camp
Albert Kimaliakyuk
Inuit Snow Camp

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