Comedy Romance
After getting dumped by his slutty girlfriend, Caleb falls in love with Gwen. However, thanks to Caleb's roommate, Gwen thinks he's gay and sets him up with her roommate, Marc.
Directed by
Q. Allan Brocka
Written by
Q. Allan Brocka
Ryan Carnes
Marc Everhard
Rebekah Kochan
Tiffani von der Sloot
Scott Lunsford
Caleb Peterson
Jim Verraros
Kris Black
Sebastian - British Guy (as Christopher Michaels)
Emily Brooke Hands
Gwen Anderson
Billy Shepard
John Janezic
Adrienne Pearson
Jenny the Beaver "Firecrotch"
Natalie Burge
Milkshake Marcy
Jillian Nusbaum
Jamie Peterson
Maurice Grossman
Carnival Vendor
Ditte Lokon
Dani Millan
Donald Cline
Mr. Milford
Joy Ives
Mrs. Milford
Melissa Shaner
Debbie Milford
Murph Michaels
Frank Peterson
Martie van der Voort
Susan Peterson

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