Comedy Romance
Unfounded suspicions lead a married couple to begin divorce proceedings, whereupon they start undermining each other's attempts to find new romance.
Directed by
Leo McCarey
Cary Grant
Jerry Warriner
Ralph Bellamy
Dan Leeson
Irene Dunne
Lucy Warriner
Bess Flowers
Viola Heath (uncredited)
Robert Warwick
Mr. Vance
Edgar Dearing
Motor Cop (uncredited)
Frank McLure
Minor Role (uncredited)
Cecil Cunningham
Aunt Patsy
Al Bridge
Motor Cop (uncredited)
Mr. Smith
Claud Allister
Lord Fabian (uncredited)
Sarah Edwards
Lucy's Attorney's Wife (uncredited)
Ruth Cherrington
Minor Role (uncredited)
Esther Dale
Mrs. Leeson
Dell Henderson
Vance's Butler (uncredited)
Robert Allen
Frank Randall
George C. Pearce
'Dad' (uncredited)
Mary Forbes
Mrs. Vance
Lee Willard
Minor Role (uncredited)
John Tyrrell
Hank (uncredited)
Miki Morita
Armand's Servant (uncredited)
Dora Clement
Minor Role (uncredited)
Alexander D'Arcy
Armand Duvalle
Edward Peil Sr.
Bailiff (uncredited)
Paul Stanton
Judge (uncredited)
Joyce Compton
Dixie Belle Lee
Scott Kolk
Mr. Barnsley (uncredited)
Frances Raymond
Minor Role (uncredited)
Arthur Stuart Hull
Minor Role (uncredited)
Molly Lamont
Barbara Vance
Wyn Cahoon
Mrs. Barnsley (uncredited)
Mitchell Harris
Jerry's Attorney (uncredited)
Bert Moorhouse
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Edmund Mortimer
Lucy's Attorney (uncredited)
Zita Moulton
Lady Fabian (uncredited)
Frank C. Wilson
Master of Ceremonies (uncredited)
Bruce Sidney
Minor Role (uncredited)

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