Drama Western
"The Work and The Glory: American Zion" sets the story of the fictional Steed family against the historically factual backdrop of the Mormon people's move into the West. Divided by their diverse reactions to a nascent ideology, the Steeds struggle to hold together as the strength of their convictions and their filial bonds are tested. The stirring narrative of the faith that led a persecuted people to Missouri and beyond is one of the most poignant untold tales of American history. It is the account of a valiant struggle to exercise the rights promised by a fledgling nation. "The Work and the Glory: American Zion" unearths the story of the passion behind the movement which eventually launched the largest American migration and the colonization of the West: the vision of a promised land in America.
Directed by
Sterling Van Wagenen
Eric Johnson
Joshua Steed
Michael Bowen
Robert Johnson
Brenda Strong
Mary Ann Steed
Colin Ford
Matthew Steed
Jonathan Scarfe
Joseph Smith
Mike Pniewski
Wilson Everett
Raphael Sbarge
Parley Pratt
Wilbur Fitzgerald
David Dwyer
William Phelps
Sam Hennings
Benjamin Steed
R. D. Call
Danny Nelson
Reverend Samuel Bogart
Andrew Bowen
Brigham Young
Frank Ashmore
Martin Harris
Annie Abbott
Edith Gates
Brighton Hertford
Melissa Steed
Mary Tanner Bailey
Elsa Johnson
Haynes Brooke
Edward Partridge
Curtis Andersen
Carl Rogers
Stephen Michael Ayers
Father Smith
Giulia Pagano
Mother Smith
Don Henderson Baker
Ezra Booth
Alexander Carroll
Nathan Steed
Jim Grimshaw
Josiah McBride
Melanie Hawkins
Emma Smith
Russell Durham Comegys
John Henry Scott
Deputy Frank
Nakotah LaRance
Emily Podleski
Jessica Roundy
Kimberly Varadi
Becca Steed
Brett Taylor
Man Crossing Street
Sarah Bastian
Lydia Steed
Matthew Carlton
George Simpson
Caitlin Bradbury
Mary Partridge
Milton Bagby
Caleb, Farmer
Adam Heffernan
Deputy Smiley
Mark Scarboro
Newell K. Whitney
Rowan Arlo Bishop
Infant Joseph Smith
Kati Massey
Little Girl on Snow Trail
William David Witt
Temple Builder
Barry J. Miller
Mormon Immigrant (uncredited)
William J. Mode
Militiaman / Tavern Patron / Citizen (uncredited)

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