Comedy Drama Romance Fantasy
Set to the intoxicating rhythms of Brazil, "Woman on Top" is a spicy, sexy comedy about the magic of food, love and music. Meet Isabella, a sultry enchantress born with the special gift of melting the palates and hearts of men everywhere. When she decides to break free from her rocky marriage and the stifling kitchen of her husband's restaurant in Brazil, she spirits off to San Francisco in pursuit of her dreams of a real culinary career.
Directed by
Fina Torres
Written by
Vera Blasi
Harold Perrineau
Monica Jones
Wagner Moura
Penélope Cruz
Isabella Oliveira
Anne Ramsay
TV Director
Murilo Benício
Toninho Oliveira
Mark Feuerstein
Cliff Lloyd
Ana Gasteyer
Claudia Hunter
Lázaro Ramos
June Carryl
John de Lancie
Alex Reeves
Carlos Gregório
Preta Gil
Jonas Bloch
Pierre Laroche
Ashley Cusato
Cléa Simões
Danni Suzuki
Bob Greene
Jerry Penacoli
Tom Kelly

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