Romance Drama Family
When his wealthy grandfather finally dies, Jason Stevens fully expects to benefit when it comes to the reading of the will. But instead of a sizable inheritance, Jason receives a test, a series of tasks he must complete before he can get any money.
Directed by
Michael O. Sajbel
Abigail Breslin
Emily Rose
James Garner
Howard 'Red' Stevens
Brian Dennehy
Mike Pniewski
Bill Cobbs
Ted Hamilton
Ali Hillis
Mircea Monroe
Brett Rice
Bill Stevens
Catherine McGoohan
Ruth Stevens
Drew Fuller
Jason Stevens
Lee Meriwether
Miss Hastings
Jeff Joslin
First Class Passenger (uncredited)
Parker Mack
Patient (uncredited)
Mark Joy
Bill's Lawyer
Rose Bianco
Mel Fair
Jack's Lawyer
Donna Cherry
Sarah Stevens
John Shepherd
Michael Rosander
Farm Worker
Ted Johnson
Banker (uncredited)
D. David Morin
Jack Stevens
Logan Siu
Boy in the Street (uncredited)
Tim Parati
Tow Truck Driver
Robert Harris
Texan at Airport (uncredited)
Pat Yeary
Park Visitor (uncredited)
Brian F. Durkin
Sarah's Boyfriend
James Markham Hall Jr.
Associate (uncredited)
Steven St. Gelais
Cancer Patient (uncredited)
George Lee
Alecia Brady Curcuru
Bill's Wife
Francis Isaac
Bill's Daughter
Daniel Barbeau
Teenager Stevens
Kenneth A. Free Jr.
Associate #1
Tonya Shuffler
Associate #2
Roger W. Durrett
Ruth's Lawyer
Tammy Fontaine
Restaurant Manager
Tom Conder
Elisha T. Minter
Victor Lee
Dr. Allen
Michael Fraguada
Carla Rodriguez
Benjamin Parra
Village Leader
John Larrinson Londono
Lead Bandito
Thom McKinney
Banker #1
Pat McCrory
Calvin Thompson
Blind Guy
Noël Baker
Mayor's Daughter (uncredited)
Lee Darnell
Funeral Mourner (uncredited)
Angela Oberer
Attorney (uncredited)
Blair Peery
Lawyer (uncredited)

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