Drama Sci-Fi Thriller
After his girlfriend, Julie, and two best friends are killed in a tragic auto accident, Nick struggles to cope with his loss and grief. Suffering from migraine-like seizures, Nick soon discovers that he has the power to change the past via his memories. However, his time-traveling attempts to alter the past and save his one true love have unexpected and dire consequences.
Directed by
John R. Leonetti
Written by
Michael D. Weiss
Erica Durance
Julie Miller
Gina Holden
Andrew Airlie
Ron Callahan
JR Bourne
Malcolm Williams
Dustin Milligan
Trevor Eastman
David James Lewis
Dave Bristol
Susan Hogan
Katherine Larson
Malcolm Stewart
Dr. Greenfield (uncredited)
Veena Sood
Jerry Wasserman
Alberto Fuentes
Eric Lively
Nick Larson
Chris Gauthier
Brad Kelly
Lindsay Maxwell
Grace Callahan
Zoran Vukelic
John Mann
Tom Bulmer
Caeli MacAulay
Baby Nick (as Caeli Macauley)

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