Comedy Drama
Peter and Delilah are a married couple running a roadside café in Nevada. Their stable partnership turns rocky, though, with the arrival of the sultry Sally, a waitress who catches Peter's wandering eye. Delilah strikes back by hiring Sally's boyfriend as a waiter. Sally is initially dismissive of Peter's advances, but when he wins $40,000 in a lottery, she quickly pounces, turning on the charm and eyeing the easy life.
Directed by
Richard Whorf
Written by
Patricia Coleman
Ava Gardner
Minor Role (uncredited)
Gloria Grahame
Sally Murfin
Jessica Tandy
Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
Hume Cronyn
Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
Elisabeth Risdon
Mrs. Talford
Mary Astor
Delilah Donay
Philip Dorn
Peter Donay
Curt Bois
Felix Bressart
Marshall Thompson
Freddie Bilson
Arthur Walsh
Dagmar Oakland
Minor Role (uncredited)
Carlyle Blackwell Jr.
Quartet Leader (uncredited)
Sherry Hall
Second Waiter (uncredited)
Sam Harris
Diner at Inn (uncredited)
Edward Kilroy
First Waiter (uncredited)
John Phipps
Cab Driver (uncredited)
Tom Quinn
Diner (uncredited)
Paul Scott
Mr. Alexander (uncredited)
Celia Travers
Diner (uncredited)

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