Comedy Drama Family
Meena, a 12-year-old living in a mining village in the English Midlands in 1972, is the daughter of Indian parents who've come to England to give her a better life. This idyllic existence is upset by the arrival in the village of Anita Rutter and her dysfunctional family.
Directed by
Metin Hüseyin
Written by
Meera Syal
Mark Williams
The Reverend 'Uncle' Alan
Kabir Bedi
Anna Brewster
Anita Rutter
Max Beesley
Hairy Neddy
Omid Djalili
Uncle Amman
Lynn Redgrave
Mrs. Omerod
Kathy Burke
Mrs. Rutter
Sanjeev Bhaskar
Mr. Kumar
Ayesha Dharker
Mrs. Daljeet Kumar
Meera Syal
Auntie Shaila
Christine Tremarco
Lucy Pargeter
Zohra Sehgal
Alex Freeborn
Sam Lowbridge
Chandeep Uppal
Meena Kumar
Georgia Patrick
Tracey Rutter

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