Action Drama History
Down-on-his-luck veteran Tsugumo Hanshirō enters the courtyard of the prosperous House of Iyi. Unemployed, and with no family, he hopes to find a place to commit seppuku—and a worthy second to deliver the coup de grâce in his suicide ritual. The senior counselor for the Iyi clan questions the ronin’s resolve and integrity, suspecting Hanshirō of seeking charity rather than an honorable end. What follows is a pair of interlocking stories which lay bare the difference between honor and respect, and promises to examine the legendary foundations of the Samurai code.
Directed by
Masaki Kobayashi
Rentaro Mikuni
Kageyu Saito
Tatsuya Nakadai
Hanshiro Tsugumo
Masao Mishima
Tango Inaba
Kei Satō
Shima Iwashita
Miho Tsugumo
Shōtarō Hayashi
Hisashi Igawa
Tetsuro Tamba
Hikokuro Omodaka
Nakajirō Tomita
Yoshirō Aoki
Yoshio Inaba
Jinai Chijiiwa
Akiji Kobayashi
Ichirō Nakatani
Hayato Yazaki
Akira Ishihama
Motome Chijiiwa
Tatsuo Matsumura
Ryūtarō Gomi
Tōru Takeuchi
Kōichi Hayashi
Jo Azumi
Shichisaburo Amatsu
Kenzō Tanaka
Shin Nakahara
Tsuneo Ikeda
Minoru Miyagi
Takaaki Kadota
Ichiro Yamamoto
Gen Takasugi
Satoshi Nishida
Tetsuro Komiyama
Shûichirô Narita
Noboru Kasuga
Shinpachi Kura
Kenji Hayashi
Shimezo Kataoka
Bunya Ozawa
Konosuke Takemoto

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