Adventure Fantasy Family
Once upon a time, a King had eleven sons and one daughter. When his wife, the Queen, died, the King remarried. The new wife and the children's stepmother looks beautiful on the outside, but actually she's an evil witch. She sends the young princess Eliise to live in the village as an ordinary peasant girl and turns all the princes into wild swans. The princes are stuck being swans all day long and only at night can they regain their true form. When Eliise is 15 years old, she learns about the fate of her brothers and now she must overcome the obstacles put in her way by her stepmother in order to release her brothers from the spell.
Directed by
Helle Karis
Written by
Savva Kulish, Juhan Viiding, Helle Karis
Gunnar Kilgas
King, Eliise's Father
Juris Žagars
Young King
Helend Peep
Old Man
Eili Sild
Leida Rammo
Andrejs Žagars
Ene Järvis
Marje Metsur
Luule Komissarov
Ines Aru
Good Mother
Katri Horma
Liina Orlova
Evil Queen
Levi-Danel Mägila
Eliise's Brother
Jürmo Eespere
Eliise's Brother
Kristjan Kõver
Eliise's Brother
Kristjan Kruusement
Eliise's Brother
Tanel Urb
Eliise's Brother
Hardi Kompa
Eliise's Brother
Verner Mättas
Eliise's Brother
Indrek Oolu
Eliise's Brother
Milvi Jürgenson
Ellu Puudist
Maarja Ird-Palm
Malle Pärn

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