Romance Comedy Drama
Nicole and Chase live next door to each other but are worlds apart. However, they plot a scheme to date each other in order to attract the interest and jealousy of their respective romantic prey. But in the mist of planning a gala centennial celebration, Nicole and Chase find that the one they always wanted was closer than they ever thought.
Directed by
John Schultz
Ali Larter
Faye Grant
Mrs. Maris
Adrian Grenier
Chase Hammond
Jordan Bridges
Eddie Lampell
Mark Metcalf
Mr. Rope
Melissa Joan Hart
Nicole Maris
Mark Webber
David Ednasi
Susan May Pratt
Alicia DeGasario
Stephen Collins
Mr. Maris
Ivey Lloyd
Pretty Girl
Keri Lynn Pratt
Dee Vine
Kris Park
Ray Neelay
Lourdes Benedicto
Chloe Frost
Kristy Wu
Keram Malicki-Sánchez
William Converse-Roberts
Mr. Hammond
Jacque Gray
Andrew Roach
Big Fred
Maya Ford
Electrocutes Bass
Terry Walters
Dinner Waitress
Gabriel Carpenter
Brad Seldon
Natasha Pearce
Derrick Shore
Joey Lopez
Student TV Director
Jessica Frandsen
Lee Holmes
Lauren Reneé Boyer
Vixen #1
Elizabeth Hart
Vixen #2
Doug MacMillan
Mr. Webb
Mary A. Daniels
Faculty Sponsor
Holly Swain
Nordic Blonde
Torry Castellano
Electrocutes Drums
Allison Robertson
Electrocutes Vox
Marc Valasquez
Pit Band Lead Singer
Brendon Te
Pit Band Guitar
Tony Te
Pit Band Drums
Darby Bailey
Pit Band Bass

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