An elderly actor who lives with his wife and daughter is dismissed from his acting job because he is considered too old. On his way home from the theatre he panics at the thought of telling his family the bad news and decides to disguise himself as a beggar. His daughter's beau accidentally gives him a five dollar gold piece, thinking that it was a smaller coin. A chase ensues with a policeman, the daughter, and her beau in hot pursuit. When caught he is recognized by his shocked daughter, but is quickly forgiven by all. Meanwhile the actor hired to replace him has already been fired and a messenger is dispatched to rehire the Old Actor to the delight of his wife, daughter, and fellow actors.
Directed by
D.W. Griffith
Written by
George Hennessy
Mary Pickford
The Old Actor's Daughter
Robert Harron
The Messenger
Claire McDowell
At Audition
Mae Marsh
Charles Hill Mailes
The Replacement Actor
Kate Bruce
The Old Actor's Wife
Marguerite Marsh
At Audition
Charles West
Alfred Paget
A Policeman
Grace Henderson
An Old Woman
W. Chrystie Miller
The Old Actor
J. Jiquel Lanoe
At Audition
William A. Carroll
The Stage Manager's Assistant
Edwin August
The Old Actor's Daughter's Sweetheart
Vivian Prescott
At Audition
W.C. Robinson
At Audition

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