Drama is afoot at Shirobara Middle School when the bold Henmi Ryoko transfers into Class A, 9th Grade. She immediately picks a fight with, Masuda, the head of the preparation committee. The girls' battle for control of the gang soon grows out of control as it sweeps up the entire school. Brawls. Seduction. Yazuka. And more!
Directed by
Mio Ezaki
Chieko Matsubara
Keiko Natsukawa
Tatsuya Fuji
Junko Natsu
Henmi Ryôko
Hōsei Komatsu
Tohru Emori
Tetsuo Tsukada
Jiro Okazaki
Shintarô Sagara
Chikako Miyagi
Maki Hemmi
Mutsuko Sakura
Mitsuko Masuda
Keiko Ono
Rumi Goto
Hanako Masuda
Ruoko Ikedo
Toshie Mochizuki
Itsuko Inagaki
Tokiko Matsui
Chie Kanai
Kazuko Kikuchi
Rumi Kurokawa

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