Crime Horror
Girls of a corrupt orphanage are being sold by the sadistic matrons to a badly disfigured doctor. His sinister motive is to use the girls as guinea pigs in his experimental brain surgeries.
Directed by
Pedro Luis Ramírez
Written by
Pedro Luis Ramírez
Sandra Mozarowsky
Leonore Johnson
Estanis González
Antonio Almorós
Cris Huerta
Lord Ferguson
María José Parra
Victoria Vera
Sylvia Smith
Dean Selmier
Dr. Edward Brown / Kruger
Elisenda Ribas
Carlos Mendy
George Allan / Bob Williams
Norma Kastel
Miss Wilkins
Ángel Menéndez
Inspector Michael Colman
Tito García
Mr. Grandfield
Ana Farra
Mario Álex
Oscar Penas
Mónica Ulloa
Amparo Solves
Leandro San José
Ricardo Vázquez

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