Animation Action Crime Horror
The rural American west is the setting for this OVA, in which a bizarre and brutal attack on a NASA base in Arizona attracts the attention of a French secret service agent, Monsieur Lassar, when a dead CIA agent is found floating on the Seine in Paris. Lassar is convinced that these two events are related, and sets out to prove it. His investigation leads him to film star Lamia Vindaw and a vampire cult that may be far more vicious and dangerous than its eccentric exterior makes it seem.
Directed by
Kazuhisa Takenouchi
Hiroko Emori
Marianne (voice)
Shuichi Ikeda
Mircha (voice)
Kaneto Shiozawa
Muraki (voice)
Hikaru Midorikawa
Bell Boy (voice)
Takeshi Aono
Charlie Milan (voice)
Yusaku Yara
Corve (voice)
Yuka Koyama
Kiki (voice)
Yuko Mita
Brigit (voice)
Kyôko Terase
Marguerite (voice)
Yukimasa Kishino
Newscaster (voice)
Hirohiko Kakegawa
Arms Dealer (voice)
Toshiya Ueda
George Lasaar (voice)
Masashi Sugawara
Kosaburo Kuki
Michiko Abe
Girvert (voice)
Nobuo Satouchi
SDECE (voice)

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