Action Adventure Drama Horror Sci-Fi Thriller
A man wakes up deep inside a cave. Suffering amnesia, he has no recollection of how he came to be here or of what happened to the man whose body he finds beside him. Tailed by a mysterious creature, he must continue through this strange and fantastic world. Enclosed, Tolbiac has no other option to reach the surface than to use REZO ZERO, secret observing cells in this cemetery-like abandoned mine.
Directed by
Franck Vestiel
Clovis Cornillac
Arben Bajraktaraj
Benjamin Baroche
Vimala Pons
Last botanist
Gabriella Wright
Eriko Takeda
Alexandra Ansidei
Zohar Wexler
Liina Brunelle
Alicia Roda
Sifan Shao
Nadia Bettache

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