Comedy Music Romance
A show troupe is engaged by Judge Culliman, who is running for Governor, to enhance his political campaign. When the inebriated Judge has to be replaced in doing his campaign speech by the troupe crooner, Eric Land, his political backers decide that they want him to run for Governor in the Judge's place. Romance, music, political corruption and the election results follow.
Directed by
Roy Del Ruth
Dick Powell
Eric Land
Lynn Bari
Phone Operator (uncredited)
Patsy Kelly
Phoebe Mason
Alan Dinehart
Mr. Kruger
Andrew Tombes
Mr. Grass
Paul Harvey
Edwin Maxwell
Mr. Casey
Benny Baker
Fred Allen
Ned Lyman
Ann Dvorak
Sally Mason
Margaret Irving
Mrs. Kruger
Raymond Walburn
Judge Culliman
Paul Whiteman
Himself - Bandleader
David Rubinoff

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