Comedy Drama TV Movie
Divorce lawyer Maja lives alone with her son Niklas and has sworn off men after one too many disappointments. Now her first case at a new firm holds quite a surprise: The other party's lawyer is Hanno - an old flame of Maja's. But as she wakes up after a car accident, she realizes she can suddenly hear the thoughts of all men around her. This offers new opportunities for her private life as well as her job.
Directed by
Sophie Allet-Coche
Mathieu Carrière
Dr. Baldus
Valerie Niehaus
Maja Nielsen
Denise Zich
Silke da Salvo
Oliver Mommsen
Hanno Wolf
Antonio Putignano
Franco da Salvo
Anna Grisebach
Thomas Arnold
Nova Meierhenrich
Eva Wolf
Christoph Kottenkamp
Dr. Meyer-Arndt

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