Drama Comedy
The tragicomic story of lone rebel Boddi Steingrimsson who lives in a small town in Northern Iceland. Boddi hates materialistic modern society in its entirety and on his blog-page he comically criticizes everything and everyone. Before long he has become an outlaw in his own hometown, just like his viking hero, Grettir. After a series of dramatic mishaps, he snaps and goes riding down south to the big city on his sturdy steed Nietzsche. He's got a gun in his pocket. He's ready for the revolution.
Directed by
Marteinn Þórsson
Written by
Marteinn Þórsson
Hilmir Snær Guðnason
Árni Valur
Ólafur Darri Ólafsson
Þorsteinn Bachmann
Toni Group
Þórhallur Sigurðsson
Stefán Hallur Stefánsson
Lára Jóhanna Jónsdóttir
Jóhann Sigurðsson
Elma Lísa Gunnarsdóttir
Tinna Bergs
Miss Northern-Iceland
Steinn Ármann Magnússon
Manni Volgu
Þórunn Magnea Magnúsdóttir
Víkingur Kristjánsson
Einar Alberts
Magnús Ragnarsson
Edda Björg Eyjólfsdóttir
Nurse in Reception
Guðný Lára Árnadóttir
Lára María's Friend
María Sigrún Hilmarsdóttir
Sigtryggur Baldursson

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