Thriller Animation Action Drama
The story of August who loses his beloved sister Christina, a former porn star known as The Princess. He adopts Christina's five-year-old daughter Mia. Weighed down by grief and guilt, August breaks down and with Mia in tow, he embarks on a mission of vengeance to erase Christina's pornographic legacy.
Directed by
Anders Morgenthaler
Written by
Mette Heeno, Anders Morgenthaler
Thure Lindhardt
August (voice)
Stine Fischer Christensen
Christina (voice)
Ida Dwinger
Mor (voice)
Rasmus Bjerg
Liv Corfixen
Luder i bil (voice)
Jens Arentzen
Niels Weyde
Betjent Andersen (voice)
Henrik Ipsen
Mira Hilli Møller Hallund
Mia (voice)
Jiming Cai

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