Thriller Comedy Drama Romance
A widowed trucker fends off isolation in the company of a dog named Girl, two bickering sisters try to reconcile their differences and a down-and-out circus clown and his stripper girlfriend must fight the temptation of crime on the road. Their common companion is an angry disc jockey at odds with a desperate boss. All these people will find their lives intertwined by the hand of fate. And before the night gives way to day, some will breathe their last breath... Outside Ozona.
Directed by
J.S. Cardone
Written by
J.S. Cardone
Sherilyn Fenn
Marcy Duggan
Robert Forster
Odell Parks
Penelope Ann Miller
Earlene Demers
Kevin Pollak
Wit Roy
Swoosie Kurtz
Meat Loaf
Floyd Bibbs
David Paymer
Alan Defaux
David Carpenter
Benjamin Lum
Convenience Store Clerk
Taj Mahal
Dix Mayal
Kirk Baily
Agent Cole
Shane Edelman
Lucy Webb
Agent Deene
Lois Red Elk
Effie Twosalt
Kateri Walker
Reba Twosalt
Frederick Flynn
Beth Ann Styne
Bonnie Mimms
Jack Leal
Agent Calcoa
Michael Holmes
Truck Stop Owner
Bert Emmett
Agent Krich
Meredith Mills
Matt Prescott Morton
Forest Freedom Guider
Garage Attendant
Tody Bernard
Kendall Leigh Wyman
Butch McCain
Radio Furniture Salesman (voice)
George A. Sack Jr.

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