Drama Comedy Romance
Two straight guys pretend to be a gay couple to secure a posh Miami apartment, but fall for their gorgeous roommate. Hilarity ensues as they strive to convince everyone of the ruse while secretly trying to win her heart.
Directed by
Tarun Mansukhani
Abhishek Bachchan
Sameer 'Sam' Acharya
Priyanka Chopra Jonas
Neha Melwani
John Abraham
Kunal Chauhan
Bobby Deol
Abhimanyu 'Abhi' Singh
Boman Irani
Kirron Kher
Sameer's Mother
Shilpa Shetty Kundra
Dancer (Shut Up & Bounce)
Ana Villafañe
Runway Model
Edward Sonnenblick
Magazine Editor
Sushmita Mukherjee
Ms. Melwani
Mavrick Moreno
Child in Park (uncredited)
Harry Key
Shrey Bawa
Veer Singh
Monika Gaba

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