Drama Horror Thriller
Luan, a deaf 16-year-old boy, faces an unusual fear. For a long time the boy comes guarding their anguish, born of a past trauma. But the time is coming to confront the unconditional fear that this aberration brings it: a fear that, contrary to what one might imagine, there is nothing funny.
Directed by
Germano Dutra Jr.
Written by
Germano Dutra Jr.
Rodrigo Augusto Ferreira
Manfred Schaberle
Raniere Cordeiro
Luan's Friend
Afonso da Luz
Germano Dutra Jr.
Psychology student
Daltro Junior
Luan's Friend
Simone Lima
Luan's Mother
Ananda Loiola
Luan's Friend
Junior Pimentel
Luan's Friend
Carolina Pêgo
Miriam Royer
Luan's Friend
Isaack Saymon
Luan's Friend

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