Drama History Romance
When the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas and his flirtatious wife Caitlin sweep into war-torn London, the last thing they expect is to bump into Dylan's childhood sweetheart Vera. Despite her joy at seeing Dylan after so many years, Vera is swept off her feet by a dashing officer, William Killick, and finds herself torn between the open adoration of her new found beau and the wily charms of the exotic Welshman.
Directed by
John Maybury
Cillian Murphy
William Killick
Keira Knightley
Vera Phillips
Sienna Miller
Caitlin MacNamara
Matthew Rhys
Dylan Thomas
Alastair Mackenzie
Anthony Devas
Paul Brooke
Mr. Justice Singleton
Karl Johnson
Dai Fred
Lisa Stansfield
Ruth Williams
Richard Dillane
Lt Col David Talbot Rice
Jonny Phillips
John Eldridge
Anne Lambton
Anita Shenkin
Richard Clifford
Alistair Graham
Camilla Rutherford
Ben Batt
Nick Stringer
Jenny Runacre
Simon Kassianides
Al Bowlly
Anthony O'Donnell

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