Action Thriller
Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond is on the precipice of matrimony to his beloved Phyllis -- but a bank robbery and a daring escape is going to get in their way before they reach the altar.
Directed by
James P. Hogan
Wyndham Standing
Ambulance Doctor
Heather Angel
Phyllis Clavering
E. E. Clive
George Davis
Matthew Boulton
Blake, Fingerprints Expert
John Howard
Capt. Hugh C. Drummond
Louis Mercier
Mayor Jean Phillipe Louis Napoleon Dupres
Reginald Denny
Algy Longworth
Eduardo Ciannelli
Henri Armides
H.B. Warner
Colonel Nielson
John Sutton
Inspector Tredennis
Elizabeth Patterson
Aunt Blanche
Adia Kuznetzoff
David Torrence
Bank Official
Gerald Hamer
Adrienne D'Ambricourt
Clyde Cook
Traffic Control Constable
Neil Fitzgerald
Evan Barrows
Jacques Lory
Clerk of the Court
John Power
Omnibus Driver

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