Action Adventure Animation Drama
Munich, Germany, 1923. Two years have passed since Edward Elric was dragged from his own world to ours, leaving behind his country, his friends and his younger brother, Alphonse. Stripped of his alchemical powers, he has been all this time researching rocketry together with Alphonse Heiderich, a young man who resembles his own brother, hoping to one day find a way back home. His efforts so far had proven fruitless, but after lending a hand to a troubled gipsy girl, Edward is thrown in a series of events that can wreak havoc in both worlds. Meanwhile, at his own world, Alphonse Elric ventures deeper into the mysteries of alchemy in search for a way to reunite with his older brother.
Directed by
Seiji Mizushima
Written by
Sho Aikawa
Shun Oguri
Alfons Heiderich (voice)
Rikiya Koyama
Rudolf Hess (voice)
Romi Park
Edward Elric (voice)
Kotono Mitsuishi
Gracia the Florist (voice)
Houko Kuwashima
Rose Thomas (voice)
Nana Mizuki
Wrath (voice)
Masane Tsukayama
Karl Haushofer (voice)
Mayumi Yamaguchi
Envy (voice)
Keiji Fujiwara
Officer Hughes (voice)
Rie Kugimiya
Alphonse Elric (voice)
Tomoyuki Shimura
Heymans Breda (voice)
Yasunori Matsumoto
Jean Havoc (voice)
Takehiro Murozono
Vato Falman (voice)
Yuji Ueda
Joseph (voice)
Miyoko Asô
Pinako Rockbell (voice)
Yumi Kakazu
Lyra (voice)
Megumi Toyoguchi
Winry Rockbell (voice)
Toshio Furukawa
Erik Jan Hanussen (voice)
Masashi Ebara
Hohenheim (voice)
Michiko Neya
Riza Hawkeye (voice)
Toru Okawa
Roy Mustang (voice)
Yasuhiro Takato
Gluttony (voice)
Mitsuki Saiga
Maria Ross (voice)
Kenji Utsumi
Alex Louis Armstrong (voice)
Showko Tsuda
Izumi Curtis (voice)
Naomi Wakabayashi
Sheska (voice)
Seiji Sasaki
Sig Curtis (voice)
Hidekatsu Shibata
Fritz Lang (voice)
Kazuko Kato
Dietlinde Eckhart (voice)
Miyuu Sawai
Noah (voice)
Masao Harada
Denny Brosh (voice)
Tetsu Shiratori
Kain Fuery (voice)

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