Animation Action Thriller Sci-Fi
As members of ESWAT, the elite forces serving Olympus, Deunan and Briaereos are deployed anywhere trouble strikes. Olympus finds itself under a stealth attack - cyborg terrorism, deadly nanotech zealots, and rioting citizens are just some of the threats that Deunan must contend with as she fights to save Olympus!
Directed by
Shinji Aramaki
Miyuki Sawashiro
Hitomi (voice)
Gara Takashima
Athena (voice)
Shinpachi Tsuji
Commander Lance (voice)
Koichi Yamadera
Brialeos Hecatombcales (voice)
Rica Fukami
Yoshino (voice)
Yuji Kishi
Tereus (voice)
Takaya Hashi
Dr. Kestner (voice)
Takaya Kuroda
Arges (voice)
Yasuyuki Kase
Yoshitsune (voice)
Rei Igarashi
Nike (voice)
Ai Kobayashi
Deunan Knute (voice)
Kong Kuwata
Aeacus (voice)
Naoko Kouda
Dr. Xander (voice)

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