Action Sci-Fi Animation
The planet LaMetal is on a collision (and conquering) course with the Earth, and the only one who can stop the forthcoming catastrophe is Queen Millennia, a former princess of La-Metal who has made Earth her home.
Directed by
Masayuki Akehi
Written by
Keisuke Fujikawa, Leiji Matsumoto
Nachi Nozawa
Doctor Fara (Voice)
Keiko Toda
Hajime Amamori (Voice)
Mami Koyama
Yago (voice)
Toru Furuya
Daisuke Yamori / La Els Milyu (voice)
Ichiro Nagai
Professor Amamori (voice)
Shigeru Chiba
Leopard Error Franken-bach (Voice)
Keiko Han
Yayoi Yukino / La Andromeda Promethium II (Voice)
Reiko Mutoh
Holy Queen Larela (Voice)
Ichiryuusai Harumi
Selen (Voice)

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