Comedy Drama
The Chumscrubber is a dark comedy about the lives of people who live in upper-class suburbia. It all begins when Dean Stiffle finds the body of his friend, Troy. He doesn't bother telling any of the adults because he knows they won't care. Everyone in town is too self consumed to worry about anything else than themselves. And everybody is on some form of drug just to get through their days.
Directed by
Arie Posin
William Fichtner
Mr. Bill Stiffle
Ralph Fiennes
Mayor Michael Ebbs
Glenn Close
Carrie Johnson
Carrie-Anne Moss
Jerri Falls
Justin Chatwin
Lauren Holly
Boutique Owner
Allison Janney
Allie Stiffle
Caroline Goodall
Mrs. Parker
Rory Culkin
Charlie Stiffle
Camilla Belle
Jamie Bell
Tim DeKay
Mr Peck
Rita Wilson
Terri Bratley
Jason Isaacs
Mr. Parker
Eric Jungmann
Student #2
John Heard
Officer Lou Bratley
Thomas Curtis
Charlie Bratley
Josh Janowicz
Richard Gleason
Parent #2
Lou Taylor Pucci
Rachel Zeskind
Witness (uncredited)
Jeffrey Vincent Parise
Aide to Mayor Ebbs
Kathi Copeland
Parent #1
Laura Shanahan
Party Goer #1
Scott Spiro
Party Goer #2
Max Van Ville
Student #3

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