Crime Drama
Jussi Vares falls in love with a beautiful brunette - only to lose her in a horrible way. After dating Sole a few weeks, her body is found in a bird-watching tower. The investigations come to a standstill, until Vares promises to solve a mystery of messy denunciation letters. Before the letters reveal their secret, a lot of things happen. A gun-for-hire, Stahanov, gets an assignment. Sole's brother finds his wife in the arms of a wrong man and goes on a rampage, accompanied by a black cat. In the end the clues lead to a familiar person and more death in unavoidable
Directed by
Lauri Törhönen
Mikko Leppilampi
Antti Reini
Jussi Vares
Jasper Pääkkönen
Kristo Salminen
Erkki Antero Sariola, Hoitokoti Iltaruskon toiminnanohjaaja
Ilkka Heiskanen
Markku Hautavainio
Matti Onnismaa
Pastori Alanen
Maria Järvenhelmi
Anna Huttunen
Teijo Eloranta
Rikoskonstaapeli Pettinen
Maarit Peltomaa
Tommi Eronen
Kaarina Hazard
Selma Natunen
Jevgeni Haukka
Minna Haapkylä
Sole Sulavesi
Risto Kaskilahti
Timo Petterson
Jarkko Tamminen
Topi Penkki
Eppu Salminen
Juhani Luusalmi
Sari Puumalainen
Suski Petterson
Tuula Amberla
Maria Rodrigues
Jouko Puolanto
Hampus von Knorr, pankinjohtaja
Tapio Korpela
Korpela, Vareksen kantakapakan ravintoloitsija
Maiju Rautiainen
Poliisi vastaanotossa

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