Drama Fantasy
Disappointed with humanity, God wants to revoke his contract with humanity and wants to take back the stone tablets containing the ten commandments. To this end an angel is sent out to affect the personal lives of three humans so an appropriate child may be conceived.
Directed by
Jeroen Krabbé
Stephen Fry
Onno Quist
Sean Harris
Bart Bork
Greg Wise
Max Delius
Emma Fielding
Jeroen Krabbé
Diana Quick
Sophia Brons
Geraldine Alexander
Trees Quist
Flora Montgomery
Ada Brons
Neil Newbon
Quinten Quist - 16 years
John Franklyn-Robbins
Onno's father
Victoria Carling
Margareth Quist
Edwin de Vries
Loïs Dols de Jong
Granddaughter Quist
Will Bowden
Dimitris Philippou
Quinten Quist - 4 years
Gillian Barge
Onno's mother
Nettie Blanken
Nicholas Palliser
Diederik Quist
Diana Wiersma

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