Animation Comedy Family
The Happy Elf is a 3D-animated family holiday special & centres on the lovable character Eubie the Elf, whose quest is to bring Christmas joy to an entire town of naughty children in a gloomy little town called Bluesville. Based on Grammy-winner Harry Connick, Jr.’s original song, The Happy Elf.
Directed by
John Rice
Written by
Andrew Fishman
Mae Whitman
Molly (voice)
Lewis Black
Norbert (voice)
Carol Kane
Gilda (voice)
Charlie Adler
Proctor / Man #1 (voice)
Candi Milo
Curtis / Cassie / Gurt / Little Girl (voice)
Kevin Michael Richardson
Derek / Tucker / Mayor / Toady / Man #2 (voice)
Rob Paulsen
Eubie / Kid / Turbo
Mickey Rooney
Santa Claus
Liliana Mumy
Sister (voice)
Harry Connick Jr.
Lil' Farley
Rory Thost
Brother (voice)
Anna Pagan
Elf (voice)

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