Thriller Crime Mystery Horror
In order to unmask a pathological killer who is targeting the beautiful centrefolds of Playbirds magazine, a sexy policewoman Lucy Sheridan puts her life and reputation on the line by sleeping with millionaire publisher Harry Dougan. The Chief Superintendant and Police Commissioner are keeping a close eye on her, but time is running out fast.
Directed by
Willy Roe
Mary Millington
Sgt. Lucy Sheridan
Derren Nesbitt
Dudley Sutton
Ballard Berkeley
Glynn Edwards
Chief Superintendent Holbourne
Penny Spencer
W.P.C. Andrews
Alan Lake
Harry Dougan
Sandra Dorne
Dougan's Secretary
Windsor Davies
Assistant Police Commissioner
Cosey Fanni Tutti
Extra (uncredited)
Kenny Lynch
Police Doctor
Susie Silvey
W.P.C. Taylor
Gavin Campbell
Inspector Harry Morgan
Suzy Mandel
Erika von Jump
Foxy the Masseuse (uncredited)

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