Drama Romance Western
An intimate story of the enduring bond of friendship between two hard-living men, set against a sweeping backdrop: the American West, post-World War II, in its twilight. Pete and Big Boy are masters of the prairie, but ultimately face trickier terrain: the human heart.
Directed by
Stephen Frears
Sam Elliott
Jim Ed Love
Cole Hauser
Little Boy Matson
Woody Harrelson
Big Boy Matson
Patricia Arquette
Penélope Cruz
Josepha O'Neil
Billy Crudup
Pete Calder
James Gammon
Hoover Young
Jacob Vargas
Delfino Mondragon
John Diehl
Les Birk
Enrique Castillo
Levi Gomez
Lane Smith
Steve Shaw
Katy Jurado
Sandy Baron
Darren E. Burrows
Billy Harte
Robert Knott
Jack Couffer
Kate Williamson
Mrs. Young
Leslie Cook
Choreographer / Dancer
Craig Carter
Art Logan
Richard Purdy

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