Action Drama Western
Capt. Harper's cavalry patrol returns to the fort to find it besieged by Ute Indians. The apparent cause is the recapture of Army traitor Brett Halliday, who deserted to the Utes in a previous war; but Brett has a different story. With capture imminent, the only chance for the surviving men (and one woman) is to boat down a wild, uncharted river, where Harper and Halliday must pull together, like it or not.
Directed by
Jerry Hopper
William Schallert
Private Livingston
Milburn Stone
Sergeant Miles
Piper Laurie
Laura Evans
Dana Andrews
Brett Halliday
Gordon Jones
Corporal Rogers
William Talman
Captain Harper
Pat Hogan
Rex Reason
Lieutenant Wayne Ford
Douglas Spencer
William Phipps
Private Porter (as Bill Phipps)
Peter Coe
Ute Prisoner
Robert J. Wilke
First Sergeant Daly (as Robert Wilke)

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