Thriller Crime Drama
Belfast, in 1970s. Victor Kelly is a young protestant man who hates the Catholics so much that one night he begins to brutally murder them. A reporter soon tries to uncover the murder and obtained prestige for himself, while Victor sinks deeper into madness.
Directed by
Marc Evans
John Hannah
Darkie Larche
Jack Hudson
James Curran
Stuart Townsend
Victor Kelly
James Nesbitt
Brenda Fricker
Dorcas Kelly
David Pearse
Gibralter Bar Local
Sean McGinley
Sammy McClure
Kevin McAleer
Ivor Craig
James Ellis
Ivor Coppinger
Derek Thompson
Herbie Ferguson
George Shane
James Kelly
Oliver Maguire
Harbour Bar Drunk
Zara Turner
Dr. Elizabeth Ryan
Sean Caffrey
John McGuinnes
Alan Devlin
Chalky White
B.J. Hogg
Hacksaw McGrath
Michael Liebman
Willie Lambe
Geraldine O'Rawe
Heather Graham
Gerard McCartney
Big Ivan Crommie
Joe Rea
Flaps McArthur
Andrew Roddy
Ivor Morris
Billy Clarke
Frames McCrea
Cliff Hylands
Gibralter Bar Local
Joseph Crilly
Gibralter Bar Local
Dick Holland
Gibralter Bar Local
Dan Mullane
Newspaper Journalist
Colum Gallivan
Sweaty Warder
Jimmy Gallagher
Ambulance Driver
Mark Loughman
Victim in alley
Peter Connell
Lock-Up Victim
Dale Jones
Disco Dancer
David Williamson
Boy with Gun
Lee Mulrooney
Young Victor

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