Animation Drama Romance Sci-Fi
It's a new school year at the local Junior High School i Kamakura. The school year starts off with a new transfer student Ryoichi Kyogoku who joins the 8th grade class. He has been ordered to join the school, and use his special gift of telepathy and take over their school. This boy who happens to be handsome, and be a charismatic person, gains popularity, and using his powers takes over the entire school, except for Seki. This begins a war to regain their freedom for their school and themselves.
Directed by
Ryosuke Nakamura
Kana Hanazawa
Kahori (voice)
Daisuke Ono
Kyougoku (voice)
Mayu Watanabe
Natsuki Suzuura (voice)
Ryohei Kimura
Yuu Jinno (voice)
Kanae Ito
Saori Endou (voice)
Yutaro Honjo
Kenji (voice)
Taira Kikumoto
Daito Amano (voice)

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