Comedy Drama
A theater company rehearses Aristophanes play "Lysistrata" in which the Athenian women revolt to force the men to suspend the war and make peace. The three leading female actresses, Liz, Marianne and Gunilla, all live in humiliating circumstances to their men.
Directed by
Mai Zetterling
Written by
Mai Zetterling, David Hughes
Mai Zetterling
Bibi Andersson
Liz / Lysistrata
Joseph Stalin
Self (archive footage)
Adolf Hitler
Self (archive footage)
Bo Holmström
Ulf Palme
Ingvar Kjellson
Harriet Andersson
Marianne / Myrrhine
Bellan Roos
Choir Member
Gunnel Lindblom
Gunilla / Kalonike
Erland Josephson
Carl, Mann von Liz
Benito Mussolini
Self (archive footage)
Gunnar Björnstrand
Margreth Weivers
Tourist Manager's Wife
Stig Engström
Bertil Norström
Restaurant Guest
Manne Grünberger
Choir Member
Frank Sundström
Marianne's lover
Chris Wahlström
Choir Member
Åke Lindström
Brita Öberg
Choir Member
Henrik Schildt
Choir Member (uncredited)
Leif Liljeroth
Tourist Manager Kiruna
Signe Enwall
Choir Member
Per Grevér
TV Reporter
Gunnel Sporr
Karin Miller
Monique Ernstdotter
Young Girl
Gunilla Dahlman
The Attractive Woman
Eva Högberg
Sparta (uncredited)
Monica Andersson
Elsa Hofgren
Margita Nyström
Kai Reiners
Oskar Rangner
Anders Isaksson

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