Horror Fantasy Animation Family
The Wind in the Willows: Concise version of Kenneth Grahame's story of the same name. J. Thaddeus Toad, owner of Toad Hall, is prone to fads, such as the newfangled motor car. This desire for the very latest lands him in much trouble with the wrong crowd, and it is up to his friends, Mole, Rat and Badger to save him from himself. - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow: Retelling of Washington Irving's story set in a tiny New England town. Ichabod Crane, the new schoolmaster, falls for the town beauty, Katrina Van Tassel, and the town Bully Brom Bones decides that he is a little too successful and needs "convincing" that Katrina is not for him.
Directed by
Jack Kinney, Clyde Geronimi, James Algar
Written by
Erdman Penner
Billy Bletcher
Headless Horseman (voice)
Bing Crosby
Narrator (segment "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow")
Basil Rathbone
Narrator (segment "The Wind in the Willows")
Pinto Colvig
Ichabod Crane (screaming) (voice)
Eric Blore
Mr. Toad (voice)
J. Pat O'Malley
Cyril Proudbottom (voice)
Clarence Nash
Ichabod's Horse (voice) (uncredited)
Claud Allister
Rat (voice)
Gloria Wood
Townsfolk (voice) (uncredited)
Colin Campbell
Mole (voice)
John McLeish
Prosecutor (voice)
Leslie Denison
Judge / First Weasel (voice)
Alec Harford
Mr. Winky (voice)
Jud Conlon
Townsfolk (voice) (uncredited)
Mack McLean
Townsfolk (voice) (uncredited)
Loulie Jean Norman
Townsfolk (voice) (uncredited)
Charlie Parlota
Townsfolk (voice) (uncredited)
Edmond Stevens
Second Weasel (voice) (uncredited)

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