Drama Romance
Reckless playboy Bob Merrick crashes his speedboat, requiring emergency attention from the town’s only resuscitator while a local hero, Dr. Phillips, dies waiting for the life-saving device. Merrick then tries to right his wrongs with the doctor’s widow, Helen, falling in love with her in the process.
Directed by
Douglas Sirk
Mae Clarke
Mrs. Miller
Rock Hudson
Bob Merrick
Barbara Rush
Joyce Phillips
Jane Wyman
Helen Phillips
Agnes Moorehead
Nancy Ashford
Otto Kruger
Edward Randolph
Paul Cavanagh
Dr. Henry Giraud
Fred Nurney
Dr. Laradetti
Rudolph Anders
Dr. Albert Fuss
Gregg Palmer
Tom Masterson
Joseph Mell
Richard H. Cutting
Dr. Derwin Dodge
Judy Nugent
Herschel Graham
Observer at Scene (uncredited)
Sara Shane
Valerie Daniels
William Leslie
Bar Patron (uncredited)
John Mylong
Dr. Hofer
Helen Kleeb
Mrs. Eden
Alexander Campbell
Dr. Allan
Harvey Grant
Will J. White
State Police Sergeant Bill Ames (uncredited)
Greta Ullmann

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